Transformers Legend Ron Friedman,

known as the Man who killed Optimus Prime for writing the first two drafts of the 1986 Transformers the Movie, has launched a GoFundMe for his and his wife’s medical bills as well as to relocate nearer to the hospital where they receive their care.  If you care to donate to this cause, please see the link below:

Fundraiser for RON FRIEDMAN by Jared Egol : Transformers legend Ron Friedman needs your help (


To quote part of the wiki article on Friedman, in addition to arguing against killing Optimus Prime, he also insisted on adding female Transformers to the film:


Friedman produced two drafts for The Transformers: The Movie, both of which would have the basic structure of the film but with quite different characters and details. While most of the cast are different in his first draft, Arcee appeared from the start[2] and he said he fought with Hasbro to include her as his daughter was a fan of similar cartoons. (Female Autobots appeared on the show first but the script was written after the first draft of the film) Despite so connected to killing Optimus Prime that he had an interview titled “He Killed Optimus Prime”, he claims he told Hasbro that killing Prime was a bad idea; “to physically remove Daddy from the family, that wasn’t going to work.”




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Source: The AllSpark