Anyone Feeling uninspired?

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve been feeling uninspired by the TF offerings lately. I feel like I shouldn’t pull the trigger on a release, because a new, improved deco is going to come out if I wait… and even then, how many G1 Primes do I need now...

Legacy Evolution Dreadwing

A slight step back in time with Transformers Legacy Evolution Dreadwing. LOVE the Skyquake mold, but wasn’t originally going to get this lad. Now? We can see the transformation from bot back to plane and answer whether this guy or his brother wears the mold...

DOTM Darksteel Review

Looking back at the odd Decepticon reuse of the Dark of the Moon Sideswipe mold. Have never ever handled that or this, but Darksteel has a sleek coolness all his own! Source: Cybertron