TFTM 86 Ratchet in the wild?

Hey everyone, Just curious if anyone has seen or heard about TFTM 86 ratchet (not the mini one) in the wild. I have been checking around and it seems no one has seen it our it’s sold out. Not sure if it’s just delayed or if this...

Rumble Core Class Another Release?

Hi, I preordered Core Rumble a year ago with a small online Canadian toy retailer. It was obviously pushed back and back, first October then December and now they are saying March. When I questioned whether Habro would actually ever come through at this point they...

Whirls Wanted (& other things)

Looking for deals on any of the following. Prefer complete w/box and paperwork, but I’m open to anything in good condition! All The Official Whirls Whirl (Deluxe Vehicle, 1985, G1) Autobot Whirl with Gunbarrel & Makeshift (Ultra,...