Thanks to 2005 Boards member Zodiac1968340 for sharing in our boards images and information about some new Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts promotional merchandise in Taiwan. These new promotional items are offered by Taiwan Vieshow Cinema. They have a special screening on June 11, the ticket set for that screening includes a Rise Of The Beasts key chain, a poster, a popcorn bucket (Bumblebee or Prime). The ticket price is about $30.00. But there’s more! There are chances for people to find a Rise Of The Beasts Spark Racer toy (Optimus Prime, Bumbleebee or Barricade) hidden under the seats the day of the screening. » Continue Reading.

The post New Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Promotional Items In Taiwan appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.

Source: TFW2005