New leaks abound for the upcoming Rise of the Beasts figure line including a first look at the young and impetuous Cheetor. The new figure seems to feature less muted colors than are shown in the trailer for the film. Pictured is Cheetor’s Robot mode. It appears the colors are more vibrant than other pictures, which can just be a trick of the camera. It appears this cheetor will come with both a tail weapon and a pistol, an accessory sorely missed from the Kingdom release. We can also see images of ROTB Cheetor next to another ROTB figure, Wheeljack and with fellow maximal, Airrazor.



The exciting news about the mechanized animal kingdom keeps surprising us early in this year. are you feeling positively techno-organic about this upcoming figure? Let us know at the Allspark Forums, our partnered Discord at, and the Allspark Facebook page!

Source: The AllSpark