Mark Maher is back with another look behind the curtain, this time taking a look at Legacy Evolution Scraphook, a brand new Generations character and our first taste of the newest incarnation of the Weaponizer gimmick.

“I hope everyone had a stellar holiday break! We are jumping back in on some more behind the scenes for the newest junkion cadet, the bruiser, SCRAPHOOK!!!
The idea that just kept coming up when we were going to kick off the new year in Generations, was combining the fantastic success of the weaponizer build program that started in WFC and merging it with the junkion ability that was showcased in the 86 animated movie. No 🧠brainer right!!
The ability to be able to fuse together not only robot peices but extend that cool capability to the vehicle modes is certainly an amazing Evolution- Fusion ahem…An Evo-Fusion thats worthy of being the special feature for this amazing Generations toyline! The team discussed so many possibilities and ideas before reaching out to the magnificent @marcelomatere and the dynamic @artguy101 for some sweet concepts of our new junkion characters.
After many conversations with our team and our amazing partners at Takara Tomy we got approvals from our leadership team and we were off and running! Special shout out goes to Ejima san for figuring out how we can transform these guys without partsforming them, that was a huge ask from me and I think it really set these guys apart from the other weaponizers, fossilizers, etc.
Check out some of the images that were used to get this idea off the ground and into the hands of our great fans! The capabilities here for customizing and building are endless! So much fun to be had, and so many beatdowns to decepticreeps with this new junkion cadet whose elbow hook drop and his junkpile driver move is unstoppable.
But the question really is, how did this guy lose an eye!?!?
I cant wait for all of you to see the rest of the crew and for all of you to get this guy in hand for a play session. Also, make sure you notice all of the asymmetrical parts on this guy, somthing that doesn’t happen very often in TF and there are some definite cool sculpt details added to go along with this rusted, spiked, post apocalyptic style. The junk is alive!!!! Muhhhahahahhahah!”

Source: Instagram


It’s endlessly refreshing that we get this kind of transparency now. This time it was all about the behind-the-scenes information. If you were looking for the usual accompanying in-hand gallery, you can check out Mark Maher’s previous post on Legacy Evolution Scraphook.

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Source: The AllSpark