Via Korean website DCInside we have some new images of the possible upcoming new Transformers Legacy Magnificus/Shattered Glass Perceptor. Following our first small images of this Microman-inspired black redeco of the Studio Series SS 86-11 Deluxe Perceptor with a new toy-inspired retooled head with a mask, now we have fully transformed images showing robot, microscope and tank mode. Take this with caution since we are yet to see and official confirmation about this figure. We had seen this deco before with the 2005 E-Hobby exclusive Magnificus and it was also repurposed as Shattered Glass Perceptor. See the images after the jump » Continue Reading.

The post Transformers Legacy Magnificus/Shattered Glass Perceptor New Images appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.

Source: TFW2005