If you’re still wondering what to expect from Fan First Friday on Hasbro Pulse, here’s one thing that seems a virtual (heh) certainty: an official announcement for a new Transformers VR experience.

A YouTube video from Meta4 Interactive in October teased an upcoming VR battle game for Winter 2021…


Met4 Interactive‘s work includes “Transformers: VR Battle Arena”, a “compact, attention-grabbing multiplayer VR solution for location-based entertainment venues”, and “Transformers: VR Invasion”, both VR games promoted on their webpage (which makes heavy use of Evergreen Transformers assets).



It looks like a version of these venue-based games is coming to Playstation and Steam, if the announce video for Beyond Reality is any indication. Today, the Twitter account behind Transformers: Beyond Reality posted a tweet promoting Fan First Friday and noting that “something is coming”…

What do you want out of a VR Transformers experience? Talk about it with us on the Allspark Facebook page, on our partnered Discord at discord.gg/allspark, and on the Allspark Forums !

Source: The AllSpark