THANK YOU ARIF for the Thank You!! Last month we showcased Black Voice actors within the Transformers franchise every day for Black History month, and we showcased Arif who was the voice of Jazz in the Transformers Robots in Disguise series between 2015 to 2017, and the voice of Jazz in the Transformers 40th Anniversary Event in 2024. THANK YOU!!!

You can view our list of Black Voice Actors we will feature this month through our playlist.

#blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #voiceacting #frenzyfreestylesundays #blogbots #transformers #transformersone #childreofprimus #autobots #decepticons #maximals #predacons #transformersg1 #tilallareone #transfromersprime #transformersrid #transformermasterpiece #transformertitans #transformersgeneration #transformersfans #tfelites #warforcybertron #earthrise #transfomerstuesdays #shockwavescorner #blasterssaturdayshoutouts