There’s a lot of collector discourse around Arcee these days, as a series of Generations, Masterpiece, and Third Party figures have tried some combination of a) replicating her G1 Cartoon design’s impossible transformation, to limited success (I’m on record as liking...
Ahh, one of my favorite B-listers. So, Beachcomber’s a second-year Generation One minibot, who changed into a little dune buggy. His original figure, at least in photos (I’ve never handled one) looks like an all-timer in terms of “a simple little thing that...
I’m not a huge superhero guy, but if I had to pick a favorite, Spider-Man’s my pick for Marvel, and maybe my favorite by default. I’m not totally sure why, but maybe it has something to do with his having a pretty good track record of movies, or, more likely, the 90’s...
This is an odd one to write up, because I’ve actually had this guy for a long time, and just never got around to reviewing him. I think it has to do with the why-am-I-like-this angle of the fact that I got Scourge as a box-checker, to be a part of my shelf of...
Kingdom was so close to completely updating the cast of the first season of Beast Wars, which is why I’m glad that Legacy is picking up the stragglers, to finish it off, even if they’re also laying down the gauntlet of updating the casts of the later two seasons, with...