Time to write a review to justify some impulse purchases! To be fair, though, there’s a reason why they were impulse purchases. So, action figures are getting more and more expensive. Blame the economy, blame cost of materials, whatever, the facts are facts. So, when...
Here’s one I got mostly for the colors, because I love some Synthwave-type future aesthetics. But it being a figure of a good character doesn’t hurt, either. So, Chromia. She started out as a character with outsized importance in the franchise, as one of the few...
As of this writing, Legacy United Silverbolt seems to be the final Beast Wars update for the foreseeable future, as we don’t have anything official, or leaked, coming up. That’s disappointing, because HasTak’s well over the halfway point of updating every character...
For a 1984 original, it’s kind of odd that there hasn’t been many updates of Gears over the years. Maybe his grumpy personality turns the designers off. Or maybe it’s the fact that Bob Budiaski seemingly gave that exact same personality (grumpy, complaining whiner) to...
Here’s a release that caused a number of raised eyebrows for a few reasons. Firstly, because it’s a genuine, bonafide Blue Rumble (complete with brackets emphasizing it on the box), instead of a red one. There’s a whole Transformers Wiki article on the subject that I...