Here’s one that I bought on general principle, because Beast Machines needs more love. Beast Machines was the controversial sequel series to Beast Wars, much darker in tone, and more complicated in story, a big departure from both the previous show, and Transformers...
You know, when the Vintage Transformers collection started doing Beast Wars reissues, I remember kind of regretting that I’d decided to go in on Kingdom’s take on the entire Beast Wars tv show cast, instead of reissues of the originals. But, long-term, it turns out I...
This is one where explaining it feels like it’s going to eclipse the actual review. Okay, so, Rise of the Beasts. Great movie, right? While Studio Series has given most of the cast the collector-oriented figure treatment, there’s a whole separate Rise of the...
We all need a bit of Samus Aran in our lives. The heroine of the Metroid franchise is a favorite character of mine, which, naturally, means I go out of the way to grab whatever plastic replicas of her get made. I’ve talked about a couple of expensive Samus Arans...
I’d thought I was out of the Transformers Retro toyline, but Soundwave (reviewed here) and Blaster (ditto) pulled me back into it! Through them, I got the revelation that, apparently, G1 Transformers toys that were taken from Microman, as opposed to Diaclone, were...