Another month is here, and we are highlighting the collections of our fandom! Bringing you a look at an amazing collection each and every month. So read on to see this month’s amazing collection!

The collection of the month won’t always be the largest, or cleanest, or even the most expensive. It will be an amazing collection that is worth everyone’s time to check out! Maybe it might inspire you to add to your collection or change the way it is displayed.
This month’s showcase collection belongs to Bob Sisofo! Bob spent a great deal of time making this epic Transformer diorama, and you have just got to see it. As always, we sat down and asked him a few questions about his collection and Transformers in general.
Before we check out our interview below, watch this awesome video of his impressive diorama!

Now to the pictures and the interview!


Allspark:  When did you get into Transformers?
Bob Sisofo: I got my first TF for my 9th birthday in 1984 OG G1 Jazz and still have him to this day.

Allspark: Who was your first Transformer?


Bob Sisofo: My first Transformer was G1 Jazz.


Allspark:  Which Transformer is your personal favorite?
Bob Sisofo: It’s funny I always loved Optimus Prime and I was one of the few people to see the 86 movie in the Theater I really liked Hot Rod even though some believe he killed Optimus. I never owned his G1 figure until recently when they reissued it.

Allspark: What is you favorite TF toyline?

Bob Sisofo: Currently It’s Master Piece.


Allspark: What inspired you to setup your collection in this manner?
Bob Sisofo: I love dioramas and have gotten into them during this year of Covid to keep me busy. I always loved the 86 film and the great War of Autobot City so I wanted to create one of my own.


Allspark: What is your holy grail Transformer?
Bob Sisofo: My G1 Optimus Prime. Still have it from I think Christmas 1984.

Allspark: Do you think that you will ever reach a point where you have all the Transformers that you want?
Bob Sisofo: Man I’m not sure. I just got the Giga Power Dinobots and I was like that’s it. But then I saw the Zeta Aerial Bots and Combaticons and I’m like “maybe a few more” lol


To submit your collection for the Allspark Showcase, please post it in our Forum thread. Want to interact with more Transformers fans? Be sure to check out our forums or you can join our discord by clicking on this invite link: You can also follow us on Twitter via @AllsparkNews or join our Facebook group!


The post Allspark Showcase Collection For May 2021 appeared first on The Allspark.

Source: The AllSpark