Allspark Discord user Notomus#8611 has reported another sighting of Empty Toy Shelves at his East side Walmart in South Dakota. This is a popular trend amongst many toy stores here in North America. Walmart finds that by not stocking toys this helps prevent scalping and thus, benefits us toy collectors who legitimately want the toys by never giving us a chance to get our hopes up that we might actually get the figure we want for once. You can hit the break to view the image of the barren shelf that is a symbol of the depression that legitimate collectors feel when walking into a store and finding nothing! While you’re at it be sure to drop images of your Empty toy shelves in our Forum Thread.

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The post Another Empty Toy Shelf Sighting! Why Empty Toy Shelves That Never Get Stocked Prevent Scalping! appeared first on The Allspark.

Source: The AllSpark