Some breaking news dropped today about the newest upcoming live action Transformers movie “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts”. The release date is currently set to be in theatres June 24, 2022.
A lot of great news dropped, so let’s get into it – click below to read more.

On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, a media virtual preview event was presented by Paramount Pictures to let us know exactly what we can expect to see in about a year.
While being just the tip of the iceberg on reveals, they pulled no punches in what they wanted to awe us with.

Synopsis: Returning to the action and spectacle that first captured moviegoers around the world 14 years ago with the original Transformers, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will take audiences on a ‘90s globetrotting adventure and introduce the Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons to the existing battle on earth between Autobots and Decepticons. Directed by Steven Caple Jr. and starring Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback, the film arrives in theatres June 24, 2022.
Director: Steven Caple Jr.
Cast: Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback

While there were several pictures shown, we aren’t allowed to reproduce them in any media. But, this is what we saw and what was described. The movie is now confirmed to be set in 1994 on Earth. Optimus Prime has just arrived a few years prior in the Bumblebee movie and hasn’t quite reached the stoic demeanor that the live action movies have made us accustomed to.
Not only that, but the primary protagonist, at least as the robots go, is Optimus Prime. This will essentially be his movie, much like Bumblebee was the focus of the main story in his titular film set in 1987.
But the focus here was to balance the heart and soul of the Bumblebee movie and the action spectacle of the Michael Bay films. As the title indicates, there will be more than just Autobots and Decepticons duking it out in this installment as the cast will be joined by the Beast Wars characters. And in addition to the Maximals and Predacons there is the addition of the most fierce enemy Optimus Prime has ever faced; The Terrorcons.
At least two of the primary locations for the movie include Brooklyn in New York City, which is where the human characters will hail from and Peru, which will center around Machu Picchu in Peru.
Here is a rundown of the characters that have been revealed thus far as well as some information about them.
Optimus Prime – (Autobot) The lead character in the movie and voiced once again by Legendary Peter Cullen. Optimus is still relatively new to Earth and hasn’t been established as the guardian yet. After only arriving a few short years ago (especially in a Transformer’s lifetime) he’s still learning the ropes of human culture and interaction.
Bumblebee – (Autobot) Bumblebee is still in his 1970s Camaro alt mode as seen at the end of his movie and in the start of the 2007 film. However, at least at some point in the movie he gets an upgrade to being an off road vehicle complete with raised suspension, big knobby tires and a roll cage around his roof.
Arcee – (Autobot) Inspired by the G1 character but with an earth alt mode, Arcee has a more red and white color scheme than a pink one. She’ll be a motorcycle in this movie and had a racing number on her leg. Not much more information was given about her character or her role.
Mirage – (Autobot) In this iteration of Mirage he’s a Porsche 944 rather than an F1 race car. His attitude is rebellious and anti-authoritarian.
Nightbird – (Unaligned) Based on the original G1 character motif as a warrior/ninja, Nightbird sports a sword and wrist claws. She also has an alt mode of a Nissan GTR appropriate to that era. Her origin and back story have been completely changed from the G1 cartoon and she’s a brand new character.
Scourge – (Terrorcon) Intended to be a nemesis to Optimus Prime, Scourge is a monster. The robot mode shown has many elements similar to Optimus Prime, but on right hand are long talon-like claws and his left hand has been replaced by what can only be described as a four pronged spark extractor. Very deadly looking. His shoulder smoke stacks were belching out black clouds and it was said that when he kills a Transformer he rips their faction symbol off and wears it like a badge trophy.


Airazor – (Maximal) Shown in her alt mode as a falcon it’s revealed that all the Beast Wars characters are a mesh of technology and organics in nature. Not quite Beast Wars, but the picture showed elements of the robotic as well as feathers and other animalistic features.
Rhinox – (Maximal) Also shown in animal form, Rhinox is a power house. While mention was made of his Beast Wars character from the original show as being the brains, in this iteration he likes to show of his brawn by smashing into things with his horn. Remaining in scope to the organic nature, he’s shown to be breathing air or steam from his mouth and nose and was described as his chest going in and out like any other animal. But his robotic elements on his joints and knees were very visible and obvious.
Optimus Primal – (Maximal) As was the case with Beast Wars, Optimus Primal is a completely separate character than Optimus Prime. Not only that, both Primal and Prime will meet in this movie and interreact with each other described as trading experiences about being the leader.

Predacons Terroriz—??

The Predacons will certainly be in the movie, and were described as being reptilian like. Unfortunately, no character reveals were given at this time.

The Human Element

Anthony Ramos as “Noah” – Noah is described as being former military and has come back to his home of Brooklyn where he acts as the father figure for his brother and helps bring income to the family by utilizing his uncanny electronic and mechanical skills.
Dominique Fishback as “Elena” – Also a native to New York City, Elena works as someone who studies and researches artifacts. Her boss often takes credit for her work. She’s found that her experiences when she encounters Transformers is just the change she wanted in her life.
So that’s the sum of what we were shown and given. This looks like it’s shaping up to be an amazing film. One of the key reasons for tapping Steven Caple Jr. as the director was due to his love and history with Transformers. It was “in his DNA”. Looking for someone who has a knowledge and passion for Transformers was a deliberate choice, to move, grow and evolve to a more centered approach than previous iterations that merely focused on the surface elements of the franchise.
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Source: The AllSpark