We have a surprise in-store sighting tonight. Buzzworthy Bumblebee CliffJumper and Kup have been found at retail! Cliffjumper and Kup you ask? Yes, neither of these releases had previously been officially announced or shown off by leakers, but they are out in the wild and we have pictures, including the back of Cliffjumper’s box. Check them out and happy hunting.

Source: @id_armed on twitter

Kup is a repaint of Studio Series 86 Kup with a painted windshield. Cliffjumper is rather more extensively altered, a repaint of Earthrise Cliffjumper also with a painted windshield and featuring newly cartoon accurate arms.

Are these changes enough for you to upgrade? Did you skip the original releases and are you glad you waited? Join the ongoing discussion in our Transformers forum thread, on our Discord Server, @AllsparkNews on Twitter, or our Facebook group!


Source: The AllSpark