Grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and get ready, because we have another leaderboard event this weekend in Transformers Earth Wars! Read on for more details!

This weekend’s event, called “The Empty Fortress”, is a million point Super XP leaderboard event! If you notice the top 10 now get 5 star crystals as a bonus prize. More importantly, the top 100 are getting Event Crystals that have a chance to give a 2,3, or 4 star Dirtbag or Grapple! Check out the event information from Space Ape below:

Also, we have our first look at their new special abilities!

Do you need an alliance for this event? Let us know in our Earth Wars thread, and good luck in the event! Want to interact with more Transformers fans? Be sure to check out our forums or you can join our discord by clicking on this invite link: You can also follow us on Twitter via @AllsparkNews or join our Facebook group!

The post Earth Wars Has Another Leaderboard Event This Weekend For A Chance At A New Bot! appeared first on The Allspark.

Source: The AllSpark