Via J16toys we have our first images of the gray prototype of the new Fans Toys FT-57 Masterpiece Scale G1 Pipes.  This new Masterpiece Pipes mold proves to be a great representation of the G1 Minibot. A very cartoon-accurate design in both modes. We also have comparison shots next to the other Fans Toys Masterpiece Minibots: FT-47 Rig/Huffer, FT-42 Hunk/Brawn and our first look at the color prototype of FT-52 Outback. We still have no concrete information on final price or release date, but you can check all the mirrored images after the break. Let us know your impressions on this new » Continue Reading.

The post Fans Toys FT-57 Masterpiece Scale G1 Pipes Gray Prototype appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.

Source: TFW2005