Even as Furai Model Windblade starts to ship out, Flame Toys shows they have more cards in the deck. This time they’ve updated us on the decision to go ahead with Furai Model Hound, showing a reinterpretation of the character in true dynamic Furai Model style. Sporting a chaingun, a huge hologram projector, and what seems like an eyepatch, a decidedly more grizzled and battle-ready Hound is up next.

The original tweet:


As the tweet notes, more news will hopefully be swift to follow.

Acid Storm, Leo Prime, Windblade, Hound… who’s next? Tell us who you’d like to see next as a Furai Model, on the Allspark Facebook page, on our partnered Discord at discord.gg/allspark, and on the Allspark Forums !

Source: The AllSpark