YO JOE! Looks like Super7 at PowerCon brought more some in-hand samples of GI Joe Ultimates, waves 3, 4 and 5!

Last week at PowerCon, Super7 brought the Joes to show about what they’ll look as the final product!

First we have Wave 3. They’ll  ship sooner than later with the packaging all set. We have Storm Shadow, Cobra’s token ninja. Scarlett, the Joes’ token girl (just kidding). Doc, the medic with the smooth voice. And your standard issued Cobra Trooper for Wave 3! In that order!

Excalibur Sword with a Japanese ninja? Man, I love cartoons.
Lady Jaye still best girl.
He’s a healer, but…yeah, he’s a healer.
Let the army building commence!

Credit : ToyBro

Next up we have Wave 4. While not due out just yet, Super7 got us some painted samples of the following: Master of Disguise of unknown origin, Zartan. Stalker, the Ranger who spits in the face of danger. Gung-Ho, the cajun-flavored beefcake Marine. And the sultry, yet devious Baroness, in her toy and post mini-series outfit from the cartoon!

Zartan comes with packed-in Zartan disguise.
Not a literal stalker
Don’t swoon, fellas
Accessorizing in the worst way.

Credit: Toybro

And lastly, we have the unfinished samples of Wave 5. We got the Crimson Guard, Cobra’s most loyal soldiers, all reddy and Fred-dy. Major Bludd, the Aussie mercenary that works for Cobra. Roadblock, the Joes’ heavy machine gunner and resident cook. And Cover Girl, the fashion model turned-battle tank jockey!

We are many, you are but one
Oi, they couldn’t have given me a bloody second eye?
Cooking up something good here.
Trying out a new look. Is it too plain?

Credit: ToyBro

Hope everyone is hyped to get these soon. Seems Super7 is going full force for these GI Joe figures, and we look forward to new reveals and releases soon!

You can pre-order down below at:



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Source: The AllSpark