One of the high points of a fairly dreary 2020 was last September’s Hasbro Pulse Con, Hasbro’s big online event that dropped a ton of reveals for their top brands and featured some cool guests to boot. While the world is still just finding its footing and heading toward normalcy, it looks like Hasbro’s bringing it back!
Not much more up than a teaser on Hasbro Pulse’s Instagram, saying Hasbro Pulse Con returns in Fall 2021, so we’ll wait and see how much more information rolls out. But if it’s anything like the two-day virtual event from last year, it’ll be a lot of fun.

Looks like we’re staying tuned!

What was your favorite part of the 2020 Hasbro Pulse Con? What do you want to see this year? Pop in and let us know on the Allspark Facebook Page, on the Allspark Forums, or on our Discord-partnered Discord server!

The post Hasbro Pulse Con returns Fall 2021! appeared first on The Allspark.

Source: The AllSpark