The drip-feed reveals for WFC: Kingdom Galvatron and possible Generations Selects T-Wrecks continue!

Thanks to Allsparker Darth Prime, we now have a look at more of T-Wrecks in beast mode, and more of WFC: Kingdom Galvatron, specifically the apparent rail gun formed by his two “Revenge” weapons!

Of course, there’s an annoying photobomber in the foreground, but try to ignore him.
This comes hot on the heels of the aforementioned drip-fed photos (thanks to Instagram user seasalt99) showing more and more of WFC: Kingdom Galvatron, showing slightly more new stuff each time such a the Matrix necklace, the body at an angle, and a closer look at the headsculpt.

Anyone else really digging what they’re seeing so far? Let us know on the Allspark Facebook Page, on the Allspark Forums, or on our Discord server!

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Source: The AllSpark