Third party company*Iron Factory*have posted, via their*Weibo account, the color renders of the individual members of their upcoming*Legends Scale Liokaiser. This is Iron Factory?s take on the powerful combiner from Transformers Victory and now we have our first look at each member of the Breastforce in both robot and alt more. They will be released as IF-65 to IF-70 (Liokaiser, Guyhawk, Hellbat, Killbison & Jallguar) and they have a very cartoon-accurate design specially in robot mode. See the mirrored images after the break and then sound off on the 2005 Boards!

The post Iron Factory Legends Scale Liokaiser – Breastforce Team Color Renders appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.


Source: Cybertron