Hasbro?s designer*Sam Smith, via*his Instagram account, has shared new turnaround videos of the new Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Shadowstrip & Crasher for your viewing pleasure. We have not only 360-view videos of the both figures*in robot and alt mode but Sam?s comments about the development and hidden details of the aforementioned figures and several CAD images. Both toys will be Walmart exclusives in the US. See all the images as well as a YouTube mirror of each new video after the jump together with Sam?s comments about these new toys. VELOCITRON SPEEDIA 500 Collection Wave 2 I love » Continue Reading.

The post Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Shadowstrip & Crasher Turnaround Videos & Comments By Hasbro Designer Sam Smith appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.


Source: Cybertron