So yesterday I popped into the local TreasureHunt, and hit basically a small motherload of finds

In order of “most frigged up packaging”, with the caveat that all THunt items have that garish orange sticker on the box, and a big black marker line drawn across the barcodes:

ER OP (most frigged up)

ER Astrotrain

Kingdom core Starscream

ER voyager Starscream

ER Cliffjumper

ER Hoist (virtually pristine)

Despite the damaged packaging, all figs appear to be in fine shape inside

It got me thinking – these finds are such “flash in the pan” types, where you basically got to pounce cause it’s likely the only time you’ll see em

I thought “how prevalent is the non-MISB market”, like people who open up their figs and/or don’t care what quality the packaging is in, since figs are comin out anyway

I generally open all my figs, and figure there’s prob a lot who do the same

Actually, thinking about it, I guess it’s maybe barely a step above the “loose/complete” market

What is everyone’s thoughts on the subject

Source: Cybertron