Via friend site and sponsor Robotkingdom we can share for you images of the gray prototypes of the new Moon Studio MS-03 Iron Arm (G1 Shouki) And MS-04 Moon Shine (G1 Kaen). These figures are modern takes on the Japanese G1 Trainbots and they are part of Moon Studio Radiatron / G1 Raiden combiner. As we can see from the images both figures look pretty detailed, specially in train mode. We also have a look at their respective upper and lower torso modes showing off all their detail and the head of the combiner. We have finally seen prototypes of the 6 » Continue Reading.

The post Moon Studio MS-03 Iron Arm (G1 Shouki) And MS-04 Moon Shine (G1 Kaen) Gray Prototypes appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.

Source: TFW2005