Ever since Power Rangers Cosmic Fury seemingly brought the 30-year running live action television series to a close, possibly in light of a new reboot with Netflix, things have been… quiet.

Too quiet.

Quiet enough to make moves like Hasbro offloading the Power Rangers toy license to rival Playmates instill worry in the Ranger Nation.

Well, it would seem that there has been a reason for that quiet, according to a report from TVLine.

According to them, the Power Rangers/Netflix deal to develop a new series is donezo. The project, which had been in development for more than two years, is no longer moving forward. Instead, Hasbro Entertainment is looking to explore “a new creative direction for the series” with a new partner.

The as-yet unnamed series that had been in the works prior had Daisy & the Six co-executive producer and veteran Supernatural story editor Jenny Klein acting as its showrunner. They are said to have been working in collaboration with Jonathan Entwistle, co-creator of Netflix’s I Am Not Okay With This and The End Of The F***ing World, who has been overseeing the franchise’s television and motion picture prospects.

Allspark forum member Steevy Maximus weighs in with their thoughts on the matter: “THAT’s probably why Hasbro gave Playmates a license to make toys. Their big media plans fizzled and they’re passing the franchise off for cheap license dollars until… they do something?”

“It’s not entirely unprecedented,” Steevy continues. “Mattel kicked Masters of the Universe to Super7 for about [four] years until Mattel started their renewed initiatives in 2020. We could be looking at a similar situation with Power Rangers, get Hasbro some easy license dollars until they figured out what they want to do with Power Rangers. Be it a continued effort at an American initiative or go back to converting Super Sentai.”

For more details, be sure to check out the full TVLine article, brought to us by new Allspark user Ookalf.

If you’d like to join in the discourse about Hasbro Z-waving whatever they were doing since 2022, then head over to the “Power Rangers General Discussion Thread” in our forums!

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Source: The AllSpark