Newage Toys have updated their Weibo account once again to reveal images of their new released for the competitive Legends scale market. First we have H46B Wildfire which a nice Shattered Glass redeco of H46 Backdraft (Inferno). The figure includes a new smirky face, gun, arm blaster, water effect and two pairs of hands. Then we have new clear versions of H47 Daedalus (Grapple) and H46 Backdraft (Inferno) which should be limited releases as other previous clear figures. See all the new images after the break and let us know your impressions on the 2005 Boards!

The post Newage H46B Wildfire (Legends Scale Shattered Glass Inferno) And Clear H46T Backdraft & H47T Daedalus (Legends Scale Inferno & Grapple) Images appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.

Source: TFW2005