In Demand Toys on Facebook has shared stock photos for some upcoming figures (one wonders if these were to be the Fan First Friday reveals, or if we’re getting two batches for the “price” of one).

First is the rumored Vintage Beast Wars reissue of Cybershark, looking (heh) sharp as ever in the 90s-accurate packaging.

But somewhat surprising is a new batch of three Deluxes, which had previously been seen in leaked sample form and thought to be part of Selects (or an unspecified “fan channel”) but are apparently actually part of Transformers Legacy: Sandstorm, Nightprowler, and Buzzsaw! Oddly, no robot mode stock photo for Nightprowler yet… must still be shy!

Are you as surprised as we are? Is this making these upcoming releases feel more real or urgent? We’ve all been there — tell us all about the hype on the Allspark Facebook page, on our partnered Discord at, and on the Allspark Forums !

Source: The AllSpark