Happy to take offers and consider trades. I take cash for local deals, and ask for Paypal Friends and Family otherwise. Willing to ship.

$10 Kabaya Gum Model Big Powered – assembled, stickered, no packaging, missing Zone Saber
$10 Generations Goldfire (Goldbug) – loose complete, Reprolabels
$10 Universe 2008 Tankor (Octane) – loose complete

$5 PCC Smolder & Chopster – loose complete
$5 PCC Icepick & Chainclaw – loose complete
$5 PCC Leadfoot & Pinpointer – loose complete
$5 PCC Searchlight & Backwind – loose complete
$5 PCC Combaticon Drones/limbs – Free with other purchase upon request

$2 PRID Skystalker – Broken tail. Free with other purchase upon request
$5 PRID Kup – missing guns, custom guns included, Reprolabels
$5 Arms Micron Shockwave – missing Micron, custom gun included, Reprolabels

Source: Cybertron