Via domdukehazard on Reddit, we’ve got our first look at the upcoming Transformers Legacy “Animated Universe” Bumblebee! Based on the Bumblebee who featured in the beloved 2008 Cartoon Network series Transformers Animated, Legacy Animated Bumblebee features his arm-mounted stingers and has a design that draws on the original design, although with a couple of tweaks to fit modern aesthetics – such as changing the feet from the original “car hood boots”. Your mileage may vary on how successful this update may be, or whether it now looks too close to the generic “Evergreen” design featured in Transformers Cyberverse. Sound » Continue Reading.

The post Transformers Legacy Animated Bumblebee First Look appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.

Source: TFW2005