We have our first in-hand images of the highly anticipated Masterpiece MP-57 Skyfire which has started shipping in Asia. Thanks to twitter users @aiyaa_xx@nailwithsomeone@r_yubi00, @gLYjzoShlTvAN0g, @pcwr_Etchy, @ink_oko@D37CP7ENvLIo1no, @41sidezone Baidu users fcscfcsc and 悠悠、 we have a rain of new in-hand images of this impressive new cartoon-accurate Masterpiece rendition of Skyfire showing off the box (and we are talking about a BIG box), content, instructions, alt mode, robot mode (featuring a magnetic faceplate gimmick), poseability, comparison pics with other Masterpiece figures, Siege Jetfire and HasLab Victory Saber. Skyfire seems to be the tallest official Masterpiece toy. We also » Continue Reading.

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Source: TFW2005