Via Baidu user*?????*we can share for you images of the promotional booklet included with the new*Transformers Masterpiece MPG-03 Trainbot Yukikaze. We have images of all the pages showing some new images and information about Yukikaze, Raiden and the last 2 Trainbots. Read on for details: Raiden combined form images using Seizan gray prototype. MPG-05 Trainbot Seizan sketches. Release date in September 2023 MPG-06 Trainbot Kaen gray prototype. Release date in December 2023. Pre-orders for the last aforementioned Trainbots will start in January 2023. First look at Raiden’s sword. It will be included with**MPG-05 Trainbot Seizan. See all the new » Continue Reading.

The post Transformers Masterpiece MPG-03 Trainbot Yukikaze Promotional Booklet Images appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.


Source: Cybertron