We have with us, a brand new toyline listing for Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts movie. Known as Flex Changers, the 1st Wave will feature Cheetor and Nightbird. Additional details: Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Flex Changers Cheetor (Hasbro Code: F4639) Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Flex Changers Nightbird (Hasbro Code: F4638) Not much else is known about the line, but Hasbro’s recent push for their Bend & Flex line may imply that this is the Transformers variation of the same. Stick with TFW2005 as we learn more about this new line. News Post Image: Hasbro’s Bend & Flex Ironman

The post Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Flex Changers Toyline Discovered appeared first on Transformer World 2005 – TFW2005.COM.

Source: TFW2005