A tweet by publishers Viz Media has announced the coming of an art book gathering concept material and info behind the making of the recently-concluded War for Cybertron Trilogy!

More information is sure to follow, but Viz have also clarified that this “making of” volume by Mike Avila (with foreword from F.J. DeSanto) will likely cover the production work that went into the Netflix shows. Which, after all, is mostly the art of the toy line…

As a toy trilogy, the War for Cybertron Trilogy ran from 2018 to 2021, and gave us three toylines that carried us through a still-grinding pandemic (but not without distribution issues). As a series of “Netflix original anime” series (ahem), it gave us a trio of six-episode shows featuring beloved Generation 1 and Beast Wars characters. Should be fun to get a good peek behind the curtain!

What are you looking forward to seeing in this art book? What other Transformers property would you like to get this kind of focus? Tell us about your art book dreams on the Allspark Facebook page, on our partnered Discord at discord.gg/allspark, and on the Allspark Forums !

Source: The AllSpark