Fans of the War for Cybertron trilogy and Transformers statues will be glad to see these new photos of Prime1 Studio’s Megatron, shared via the company’s Facebook page! This massive 28″ statue gives the Siege Megatron design the Premium Masterline treatment in both Regular and Ultimate Versions, with the gallery featuring the latter and showing comparisons between both. We’ve mirrored some of those shots here!


Official description:

“The Decepticons will bring this world to order! My victory will mark a brilliant, new beginning! Peace through Tyranny.”

Prime 1 Studio presents the cruel, iron-fisted leader of the Decepticons in our Premium Masterline Series: PMTF-06UT: Megatron Ultimate Version from Transformers: The War for Cybertron Trilogy!

He worked his way up from lowly drone worker to Cybertron’s Gladiatorial Champion! Now, his primary goal is to bring Cybertron back to its Golden Age by any means necessary…and he is not going to let anyone, much less the Autobots…stand in his way!

Never back down from a fight, Megatron comes with fully illuminated LED eyes and devastatingly powerful Fusion Cannon! This incredibly recreated statue comes with two (2) swappable right arms and three (3) swappable left arms, which offer more flexible storytelling and display opportunities.

Megatron is ready for even more conflict as he stands triumphantly over a badly beaten or even mortally wounded Omega Supreme! The elaborate base features the Decepticons logo…front and center.

And since the Decepticon leader is already an instant Pre-Order…go-ahead pair him with Optimus Prime from Transformers: The War for Cybertron Trilogy!

[Product Specifications]
・Statue Size approx. 28 inches tall [H:72cm W:55cm D:72cm]
・Transformers: War for Cybertron themed, battle-damaged Omega Supreme base
・LED-Illuminated Eyes and Fusion Cannon
・Two (2) Swappable Right Arms
・Three (3) Swappable Left Arms


How does this high-end offering grab you? What other Transformers (or Transformers series) would you like to see given the statue treatment? Share your ideas with us at the Allspark Facebook page, on our partnered Discord at, and on the Allspark Forums !

Source: The AllSpark